We touched on this in the beginning of the year and we have a few blogs that are dedicated to specific styling tips but it is worth looking at again. You may know what looks good with a pair of vintage levi Mom jeans, but do you consider yourself a stylish person? What is styling? Where did the term come from and what does it mean to be stylish? Let's take a moment to think about why you're reading this blog in the first place. It's easy to get wrapped up in the insta-perfect world that social media seems to be. If you're feeling the need to change your fashion because of something you saw on instagram, just remember that your wardrobe should reflect you and who you are, the person you're striving to be, and not, in gen z terms, doing it for the gram. We can all benefit from taking a break from the fantasy world that is social media and remember that those brands and companies that are feeding into your insecurities or dreams will always leave you feeling empty and unobtainable.
Being stylish is not the same thing as being on trend. Dressing for trends and fast fashion culture is where you're gonna have to shell out big bucks and have tons of space. When you're stylish it really doesn’t matter what you're wearing, high end or vintage, trendy retro, look good, feel good! So then, how do you obtain a style and how do you proceed to style your style? First you need to detox your closet, which you can read about here. Now let's continue.
Sometimes it can be overwhelming to come up with a vision for your fashion. Make sure you have a couple of hours to research and mull over what you want to embody when you're out there flaunting your fashion.
Step one is always be truthful to yourself and commit to your fashion ideas. If you know you're not going to be comfortable wearing that bold cheetah print onesie with the hip cutouts then do not set your sites on that type of fashion, unless you fully commit. If you want to step outside your fashion bubble when building your style that's fine, but being realistic is better than wasting money and time.
Know what works for you. If you're long legged with a shorter torso you might want to cater your style around your assets. Teresa is a shoe gal. She builds her outfits from the shoes up. Play to your strengths that way you're comfortable in your wardrobe choices.
If you're having trouble figuring out your style, look through fashion blogs, or celebrities outfits and slowly build a portfolio of stuff that you envision yourself wearing. You can keep tabs on all your fashion inspirations by making a list or creating a vision board. While you're pursuing online or in magazines, fashion is subjective in many ways, one woman's sexy is another woman's. Find what works for you. Once you’ve gotten some ideas down try to analyze what about those outfits appeal to you and come up with some words to describe the look.
- What do I like about this outfit?
- Would I really wear any of this?
- What is the vibe of this outfit?
- How would I feel wearing that?
- Does this look funky, classic, vintage, retro, sexy, emo etc…
This will help you start to define your style. You might like funky, statement blazers but plain shirts and jeans. Or your look is more retro 80s with a dash of the early 2000s. Once you're at a good place you can always refer back to these keywords when you're searching for something to add to your closet. Remember your dressing to express yourself, confidence comes with that. Shopping vintage is so fun because you can personalize your wardrobe, high end vintage, nostalgia, dad vibes. Expressing yourself via re-sale is

You know when you're looking cute, all dolled up and selfie ready? Well, don’t skip the selfie. These are references to reflect on what worked for you and proof you look good you're doubting yourself later. Think of your selfies as a portfolio and mile markers.
If you're loving something that you feel is going to make you stand out in the crowd, in the wise words of Nike, just do it. Why do you want to look like everyone else when you can look like you. Unless you're uncomfortable in the clothing or do not like how it fits then go for it and commit to wearing it out. You're getting out of your comfort zone and likely helping others do the same.

If you notice you have repeat offenders in your closet, make use of them. Play this aspect of your fashion up, you obviously have a connection to that piece of clothing or accessory so make it your signature. That doesn’t mean you have to wear it everyday but it is a part of you. Teresa’s college signature was the jean jacket. She had various colors and styles to accompany her during campus shenanigans.
Don’t forget about the complete look. Your clothes are only part of a good look, the other half is makeup and hair. No amount of styling is going to cover up a botched hairdo or eyeliner not on fleek. If you're not a makeup guru or you have no clue how to do your hair, we suggest using google to your advantage. Even starting simple like, a polished bun, natural waves, or a simple blush and lipstick combo is very universal. Use those same principles above to find your fav hair and makeup styles.
Now that we kickstarted some creativity show us your style by tagging us on instagram or in the comment section below.